The Home Page

As every Due Dates process must be created from a template, at least one Due Date Process Template must exist for the module to operate. The StarPM: Due Dates Setup module is used to configure and manage Due Dates Process Templates.

This guide describes the StarPM: Due Dates Setup module. For details of the main Due Dates module, refer to the StarPM: Due Dates User Guide (PDF filename StarPM_DueDates_UserGuide.pdf).

The Due Dates Setup Home Page displays two tabs:

  • The Templates tab presents every Template that has been configured for Due Dates processing
  • The Selected Template tab displays the details of the currently selected Due Dates Process Template

    The label of the Selected Template tab changes automatically to display the Description of the currently open Template, or, when creating a new template, to read New Template.

New templates can be created by clicking New in the module toolbar, which is always accessible. See Create a Template.