Editing an Opportunity

To edit an Opportunity:

  1. In the New Business Opportunities screen, select the relevant Opportunity.
  2. Click the Edit button at the foot of the grid.

    This displays the Edit Business Opportunity screen, pre-populated with data relating to the selected Opportunity.

    If you do not have the Staff Privileges required to edit this Opportunity, then the Edit button will be disabled (inactive).

    Edit Business Opportunity screen with editable opportunity details

    Each organisation can define which of the fields in this screen are Mandatory, Important or Optional for each Opportunity, and these fields are flagged. For details, see Input Validation.

    The upper region, distinguished by grey highlight, displays the following details, none of which can be edited:

    • Client Name or Contact Name – Dependent on whether this Opportunity, when created, was assigned to a Client or Contact.
    • Created – The date on which this Opportunity was created.
    • Created By – The name of the Staff member who created the Opportunity.
    • Last Updated – The date on which this Opportunity was last edited.
    • Last Updated By – The name of the Staff member who last edited this Opportunity.

    In the lower region of this screen the following field is also read-only:

    • Ranking - The numeric ranking of the Opportunity, in relation to other Opportunities recorded in the system. Opportunity ranking is calculated automatically, according to criteria defined by your organisation (see Setup: Opportunity Ranking).
  3. Edit the remaining Opportunity Details as required.

    If you do not have the Staff Privileges required to change the ownership of this Opportunity, then the Select Staff button in the Owner field will be disabled (inactive).

    The following fields are new to this screen:

    • Date Won – Select the date on which the Opportunity was converted into new business.
    • Date Lost - Select the date on which the Opportunity was agreed to have been lost.

    • Reason Lost – Select the reason for which the Opportunity was lost.

      The list of Reasons available for selection is as defined during application setup (see Setup: Reasons Lost).

    • Lost To – Select the Competitor to which the Opportunity was lost.

      The list of Competitors available for selection is as defined during application setup (see Setup: Competitors).

    For the remaining field definitions, see Creating an Opportunity.

  4. Click Save to record your changes.

    The Opportunity record is updated, and you are returned to the New Business Opportunities screen.